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PLAYING: 2'-FL – Natural Guardians of Your Child’s Development

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2'-FL – Natural Guardians of Your Child’s Development

Your little ones need extra protection as their natural defence systems have yet to fully develop. A key component for this defence is milk oligosaccharides, which are useful substances that nourish good bacteria in the digestive system and keep children healthy.

3 mins to read Oct 1, 2024

What is 2'-FL?

Milk oligosaccharides are known as a child’s ‘natural guardians’ as they assist the developing immune systems of children. To date, more than 200 types of milk oligosaccharides have been identified.

2'-Fucosyllactose (2'-FL) represents one of these 200 ‘natural guardians’ that support a child’s immune system.


Benefits of 2'-FL

2'-FL is a special type of milk oligosaccharides. Studies have shown that milk oligosaccharides such as 2'-FL provide several health-promoting benefits.

2'-FL encourages the growth of ‘good’ bacteria in your child’s gut, which is where 70% to 80% of immune cells are located. A healthy digestive system is thus essential for the development of your child’s immune system.

In addition, 2'-FL prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and strengthens your child’s gut barrier function. This supports the development of a healthy immune system.


What is the difference between 2'-FL and prebiotics?

Besides selectively promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, milk oligosaccharides are also highly effective in increasing the number of cells that support immunity.

Prebiotics such as galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), on the other hand, are structurally different from milk oligosaccharides and do not offer the same targeted benefits.


Does my child need 2'-FL?

2'-FL is recommended as it helps influence your child’s immunity development in a positive way. Studies have shown that 2'-FL supports immune regulation and reduction of respiratory infections during childhood.


Where is 2'-FL available?

With the advancement of technology, 2'-FL is now available in formulated milk such as NANKID OPTIPRO®. NANKID OPTIPRO® is currently the only brand in Malaysia with the highest levels of 2’-FL^ . The 2’-FL in NANKID OPTIPRO® helps flourish a favourable gut environment that eliminates harmful bacteria and supports the growth of beneficial bacteria. This is particularly vital as the digestive tract is an important immune organ. As your child grows and gets exposed to different types of germs in their daily routine, this may offer greater immune protection.


NANKID OPTIPRO® is formulated with Immunity Guardians*, which consist of 2’-FL Oligosaccharide and Probiotic B. lactis. These ingredients work together to strengthen your child’s immune system, which helps reduce the risk of infections while support growth and development.

NANKID OPTIPRO® contains the highest levels of 2’-FL Oligosaccharide^ and contains 100 million Probiotic B. lactis+. 


1. Marriage B, et al. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2015; 61(6):649-58.
2. Morrow A, et al. J Pediatr. 2004; 145(3):297-303.
3. Perdigón G, et al. Curr Issues Intestal Microbiol. 2001; 2(1):27-42.
4. Vandenplas Y, et al. Nutrients. 2018; 10(9):1161.

^Compared to Key Formulated Milk Powder for Children aged 1-3 years per 100g of milk powder (as of March 2024)
*Immunity Guardians refers to 2'-FL Oligosaccharide & Probiotic B. lactis to support immune foundation
^Compared to Key Formulated Milk Powder for Children aged 1-3 years per 100g of milk powder (as of March 2024)
+Refers to 100 million Probiotic B. lactis per 100g of milk powder


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