Recipe Finder
Find recipes for you and your little one.

Ginger Chicken Porridge
This wholesome chicken porridge paired with ginger is a simple must-try recipe for your little ones' well being.

Broccoli & Carrot Fish Fingers
Creating fun shapes and textures will help improve your child's appetite and acceptance of new food especially if it's colourful too!

Brown Rice & Beans Cereal Bowl
This is a definitely nutritious meal to try. With the addition of vegetables, we can introduce vegetables to little one's at a young age so that they dont reject it while growing up.

Banana & Apple Yogurt Smoothie
Paired with two nutrient-rich fruits, this pudding is definitely a hit with your little ones especially if they love the taste of yogurt.

Rolled Banana Finger
Solid foods should be introduced when your little one shows signs of developmental readiness.

Fruity Salad Porridge
Fruit salad porridge is quick and easy to prepare at home and a good way to introduce variety of fruits. Pears are rich in fibre and oranges are well known for its vitamin C for immunity.

Mini Pumpkin Pancakes
Nutritious, tasty, and easy. You can never go wrong with this pancake.

Broccoli & Potato Nuggets
It’s warm, nutritious and delicious. This highly satiating meal will keep your child full and energized.

Apple Crumble
The natural sweetness of apples makes the apple crumble delicious yet satisfying to the little tummies. Apples are a good source of fibre, vitamins and minerals for your little ones.

Traffic Light Scramble Eggs
This quick dish is easy to make and nutritious. Egg is a great source of complete protein for your child.

Spider Web Pancakes
Regular pancakes become spook-tacular when you design them into a spider web shape. Adding extra-healthy toppings like fruits to provide vitamins for your child's development.

Sweet Honey Pudding
A great old fashion pudding that is warm and comforting. Contains milk which is rich in calcium to aid the development of strong teeth and bones.

Quick Rice Fruit Cocktail Pudding
This dish is quick and easy to make where it can be served hot or cold with a generous topping of fruits to add to its tastiness and give it a pop of colour.

Chicken Vegetables Porridge
It makes a delicious bowl of comfort food any time of the day. Chicken meat is a great source of protein which contributes to growth and development.

Carrot & Beans Porridge
Prepare this lip-smacking porridge for your little ones. Carrots contain vitamin A which is beneficial to maintain eye function while french beans are loaded with vitamin C for good immunity.

Carrot Apple Brown Rice Cereal
This meal is a good introductory choice for your little one when they are transitioning to solid foods.

Carrot Rice & Chicken Cereal
This is a tummy warming meal that is delicious and nutritious for your little one.

Carrot & Spinach Porridge
Prepare this meal for your little one to start exposing them to different taste and have better acceptance towards green vegetables.

Rice with Sweet Peas Cereal
Small tummies need big nutrition, with the right balance of nutrition and energy.

Cauliflower & Fish Cereal
Rice porridge is an ideal first food for your little one as it's easily digestible and less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Wheat & Honey with Apple Dates Cereal
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Learn to make this quick and easy recipe to keep your little one's tummy filled and nourished.

Sweet Potatoes Rice & Mixed Vegetables Cereal
Sweet potato is a great source of dietary fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C. Every serving of CERELAC can provide nutrients to support your child’s growth and development.

Rock Melon with Oats Wheat Prunes Cereal
This recipe comes with the goodness of oats and prunes which is beneficial for your little one! With the soft texture of the melon, this dish will be exciting and easy to consume.

Banana & Dates Cake
This is a double ingredient combo of bananas and dates to give a rich and healthy introduction to fruits and solid textures.