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PLAYING: What’s your allergy IQ?

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What’s your allergy IQ?

Can you separate fact from fiction in this quickfire quiz? Complete the quiz to move on to the next article.

5 mins to read Sep 3, 2024

1. True or False? Eggs should not be introduced until your child is one year old.

2. True or False? You can offer your child fish from 6 months old onwards.

3. True or False? Foods containing peanuts can be given to children at six months old onwards.

4. True or False? Giving your child foods that commonly cause allergies, such as those with eggs, fish, wheat, or peanuts, when you begin complementary feeding from six months of age can reduce the chance of him developing a food allergy.

5. True or False? If you’re breastfeeding, you should exclude foods known to cause allergies from your diet.

6. True or False? Foods containing gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, and rye, can be given to your child when you start complementary feeding (around six months of age).


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Togias A, et al.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017; 139(1):29-44.

Malaysian Society of Allergy and Immunology. Malaysian Allergy Prevention Guidelines for Healthcare Professionals. 2014. (Accessed December 18, 2017)

Last revised: December, 2017