When should I offer my child wheat, eggs, or nuts?
Did you know? Guidelines have changed for when to introduce your child to eggs, wheat, fish, and foods containing peanuts. Offering your child these foods early, from around six months of age, may help prevent food allergy.
Food allergy is more often found in children than in adults. In one report in North America, approximately 5% of children under the age of five were noted to have a food allergy. For many years, healthcare professionals recommended that some of the most common allergy-causing foods (including soy, wheat, eggs, fish, tree nuts, shellfish, cow’s milk, and peanuts) should not be included in children's diets until at least one year of age. For certain foods, the advice was to wait until the age of two or three. However, this practice of delaying the introduction of foods known to cause allergies may have contributed to the rise in cases of reported food allergies.
In recent years, recommendations have changed. Scientists have discovered that, when your child is developmentally ready, there is no need to wait before giving these foods to your healthy child, once they have started complementary feeding. Studies have found that delaying offering children allergy-causing foods, beyond six to 10 months of age, may increase the risk of food allergy. It has been suggested that introducing these foods early and eating them regularly in small amounts, may help your child’s immune system better tolerate some of these foods, and help prevent allergic reactions. New guidelines recommend giving peanuts (ground, in age-appropriate texture) and foods containing gluten to healthy children from six months of age which is around the time you start complementary feeding. Whole peanuts should not be given to children younger than four years because of the risk of choking. Gluten is found in foods made from wheat, rye, and barley—for example, breads, pasta, cereals, and crackers. If your child has eczema, a family history of allergy, or any current food allergy, speak with your healthcare provider before introducing potential allergy-triggering foods.
Wait and watch
Offer your little one their first taste of these foods individually, then wait a couple of days before trying another, so that you’ll be able to identify if a certain food causes a reaction. Cow’s milk is not recommended before the age of one year, although other dairy products, such as yogurt, can be offered after six months of age. It is also believed that feeding may offer some protection against allergies, so continue to feed your child for as long as you can, especially if there is a family history of allergies.
Minor sensitivities in children like itchiness, rashes, upset tummy and bloating are all early signs of allergies. The right proteins in your child’s diet can help minimise these bodily discomforts. NANKID OPTIPRO HA 3 uses Gentle Protein*, which are cow’s milk proteins broken through a unique NESTLÉ process so that they are 10X smaller. This makes the proteins easy to digest and less likely to trigger allergic reactions or minor sensitivities in children.
With NANKID OPTIPRO HA 3, you can let your child feel the world, free from discomfort.
NANKID OPTIPRO HA 3 contains Partially Hydrolysed Protein, 50mg of DHA & ARA** and 100 million BIFIDUS BL beneficial bacteria**
*Refers to Partially Hydrolysed Protein
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db10.htm (Accessed December 18, 2017)
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