Getting the Right Macronutrients for Your Child
During your child’s growing years, it is important to have the right amount of nutrients to support that growth. Macronutrients are nutrients required in big quantities for our bodies.
During your child’s growing years, it is important to have the right amount of nutrients to support that growth. Macronutrients are nutrients required in big quantities for our bodies. They are important to support our growth and metabolism processes because they provide energy for our bodies.
Macronutrients are known as the nutrients that provide calories or energy. These nutrients are substances needed for growth, metabolism, and for other body functions. As you might have guessed, the word macro means large; macronutrients are thus the nutrients which you need to take in large amounts.
Thinking of getting the right macronutrients for your child? There are three macronutrients that your child needs in his his food during the growing years. These three macronutrients are – carbohydrates, fat and protein.
While carbohydrates or “carbs” might be something you hear often in a diet programme, or in a discussion at the gym, they are actually quite common. Carbohydrates are important, because they are the body’s main source of fuel. When your child is experiencing rapid growth in the early years, carbohydrate provides the energy for their growing body.
Where can you find carbohydrates?
• Infant cereal is a source of carbohydrates; they are made by rice or wheat or multi grains to be easily digestible for your child.
• Other sources include rice, bread, potatoes, brown rice and whole grains.
Protein isn’t just for the people working out at the gym. Protein’s main function is to support the growth and development of the body by helping in building muscles and cells, tissues formations. This is especially important for children, teens and pregnant women. Protein also supports the body in tissue repair and the immune function of the body.
Where can you find protein?
• Protein can be found in meats, such as poultry and fish. Remember to debone and dice any meat into small pieces for easy digestion.
• They can also be found in cheese, milk, nuts and legumes.
• Your child's infant cereal is another way to obtain protein.
Because of the nutrient’s association to unhealthy diets and obesity, it is a common misconception that fat should be avoided. However, small amounts of fat are important for your child's growth. It is also the most concentrated source of energy, and assists the body in absorbing vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K.
Where can you find fat?
• Some sources of fat include butter, margarine, various cooking oils.
Macronutrients are important for your child’s growing years, and they often form the base of a healthy diet. Of course, you should aim to provide these nutrients from a variety of easily digestible child food sources, and supplement them with micronutrients. A balanced diet will go a long way in supporting your child’s healthy growth.
Other nutritious complementary food such as rice, fish, meat, poultry, lentils, vegetables and fruits can be introduced to your child at the age of 6 months.
CERELAC Infant Cereals can be provided to your child as an option for variety in your child’s diet. CERELAC Infant Cereals is made with Cereals Hydrolysed Enzymatically (CHE) Technology to break down carbohydrates in the cereals into smaller units, thus making them easier to digest.