Help Your Child’s Healthy Future Today

Help Your Child’s Healthy Future Today

Help Your Child’s Healthy Future Today

Dec 7, 2015
3 mins

Have you ever watched your child build a tower of toy blocks? If he’s been playing with them for some time, he’s probably figured out (hopefully, without any injuries) that the better the foundation he builds, the higher he can make his tower reach.

Author(s): Shen-Li Tan

Have you ever watched your child build a tower of toy blocks? If he’s been playing with them for some time, he’s probably figured out (hopefully, without any injuries) that the better the foundation he builds, the higher he can make his tower reach.

That’s a good metaphor for your healthy child’s development. Parents everywhere are waking up to the realisation that their children’s experiences during the first 1000 days of life, especially nutrition at critical periods in their early years, makes a difference that can impact their health as they grow into adulthood. This is called the Early Nutrition Programming. Take a moment to digest that: the awesomeness of your kid’s life is in your direct capacity to influence!

If you’ve been following the health craze that’s swept the globe over the last couple of years, you can probably guess that nutrition is a huge chunk of that awesome. We already know that protein is one of the big pillars of nutrition. In the right quality and quantity, it drives growth, gives the body energy, strengthens the immune system, influences metabolism, and more. But how important is protein in the early years of your healthy child’s diet?

This is the exact question that the exciting hypothesis called Early Nutrition Programming answers. To illustrate, let’s take an example from nature. Biologists have observed that in honeybee colonies, the young larvae that feed on a mixed diet evolve into worker bees while those that feed only on royal jelly? They become queen bees. You can bet that proper early nutrition creates a vital difference in your child’s future.

Parents are always thinking of what’s best for their children, and are faced with a daily onslaught of choices about what that means. But giving your child the right protein is a choice for which the science makes perfect sense — you just have to go and make it.

NANKID OPTIPRO HA 3 contains OPTIPRO, Nestlé’s Most Advanced Protein. It’s regular milk protein broken into smaller pieces, making it easier to digest. It also contains DHA & ARA, which are found abundantly in the brain, as well as 100 million BIFIDUS BL probiotics from 3 glasses of NANKID OPTIPRO HA 3 daily. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help support your child’s protection.

1. Raiha, N. Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series 1994
2. Koletzko B. et al. Programming research: where are we and where do we go from here? The American Journal of Clinical Nurition. 2011. Vol 94:6 (suppl) 20365-20435



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