Pregnancy Symptoms Week by Week: Week 13 – 25
The second trimester is often felt as the best trimester simply because most of the early unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy are beginning to go away. Rejoice in nausea-free days and better sleep patterns.
The second trimester is often felt as the best trimester simply because most of the early unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy are beginning to go away. Rejoice in nausea-free days and better sleep patterns. Plus, you can tell yourself that your baby is just about 6 months away from being born. However, the adventure isn’t over yet; you might have a few other changes in your body that you’ll have to deal with. Let’s look at your pregnancy symptoms week by week, so you have an idea of what to expect from weeks 13 – 27.
Week 13 – 16
Here’s where the fun really begins. First up, you can say goodbye to early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and fatigue. Here’s another good piece of news; your belly will finally begin to grow to show your pregnancy. It’s normally at this stage that people can tell that you’re pregnant instead of awkwardly guessing whether you’ve gained weight or not. Go celebrate with some shopping – it’s time to get your maternity clothes out. You don’t have to go with something dull – there’re tons of options out there to help you look like a fashionista mama.
Your baby? It’s growing at a fast pace; while the head is still bigger than the rest of the body, it won’t be long before the body catches up. The hair is starting to grow, and the bones are beginning to form.
Here’s what you can do: Here’s a date idea; go for a check-up and bring your partner along. He might love to hear your child’s heartbeat. Both of you could also learn more about how the baby’s growing, it’ll build the excitement for the due date. As for some self-care, start learning to sleep on your left side for better circulation. You can also get some light exercise to keep the blood flowing.
Week 17 – 20
Well, you’re reaching the midway point of your pregnancy and you can pat yourself on the back. Get the shopping bags out; you can already get some baby supplies if you want to. Is your baby room ready? Get the partner involved too. Your body is now really getting into pregnancy mode; you’ll gain some more weight, and you’ll be able to feel the baby move a little more. Mid-pregnancy aches and pains may now begin to appear – backaches, dizziness, heartburn, constipation, leg cramps, and some mild swelling in the feet and ankles.
Your baby would have doubled in weight by now. The taste buds might have developed, as well as the retinas. If you have a mid-pregnancy ultrasound to check on your baby’s growth and development, you might be able to check if it’s a boy or a girl.
Here’s what you can do: Watch your posture! Choose a chair that supports your back, and sleep with a pillow under your side at the waist. This will help you reduce the backaches. If you need to lift something, squat down; don’t bend over. You can also get your partner to help you out. Nothing keeps the romance alive like doing chores for each other.
Week 21 – 25
At the peak of your pregnancy, you’ll have gained a fair bit of weight. This means you won’t be able to shake and dance like you did before; however, this doesn’t mean you can’t exercise at all. Try low impact exercises like swimming, or stretching. You don’t want to go trampoline jumping or try some karate. Speak to your healthcare professional for some advice on what you can and can’t do.
Your baby’s growth is slowing down. However, your child’s body is still developing all round. Muscles are growing, the eyelids and eyebrows may have formed. What’s even more exciting is that your baby may be able to hear you – your baby will respond to your voice and other sounds!
Here’s what you can do: Start your antenatal classes – it’ll give you an idea of what to expect, plus you’ll make new friends who are pregnant as well. Support you can count on is always great. You can start thinking about names for your child. Use our Naming Your Little One Tool to get ideas. Do you want a traditional name, or a modern one?
The good news is that after your second trimester, you’re just about three months away from your due date. You can start imagining a fun, awesome life with your family together. You’re nearing the final steps, and almost there.
Follow our next guide, where we describe pregnancy symptoms week by week, from week 26 to week 40!