6 Petua Menjimatkan Wang Untuk Bakal Mama & Papa
As new parents, it’s only natural that you’ll want to do everything perfectly. However, as a recent article we read puts it, “Harvard isn’t cheap, so it looks like you have to be.” Children can cost a small fortune if you are not financially savvy. High costs are usually linked with what parents want to get for little ones, not with what little ones actually needs.
New parents-to-be, we present you with six money saving hacks so you won’t be laden with new debt as you nurture your little one!

1. DON’T... Splurge on a Designer Diaper Bag
DO… Save by Designing Your Own!
Identify items important for a baby on the move, then group them by categories of use: Diaper Change, Extra Clothes, Feeds and Play. Buy large see-through file pockets of different colours. Store each category of items in a different coloured pocket e.g. “Diaper Change” items in the blue pocket, “Extra Clothes” in the pink pocket etc. The husband or helper can then easily pull out items when your hands are tied e.g. “I need a diaper. Pass me the Blue Pocket!” Use a ring to link all pockets together, so you can pull all out in one go when switching bags. With this system, any bag you like can be a diaper bag.

2. DON’T… Splurge on an Expensive Changing Table
DO… Save by Repurposing a Reusable Dresser!
Just line the dresser top with a padded rubber mat, pair it with a hands-free dustbin and you’ll have a changing station that can evolve into a regular chest of drawers as your child grows. Keep off clutter by placing all your diaper changing essentials into the top drawer. Use drawer dividers to organise everything neatly into categories.

3. DON’T…Splurge on Disposable Diapers
DO…Save by Trying Reusable Ones!
Disposable diapers will make up a big bulk a young family’s monthly budget. Try some of the many reusable diaper brands out there in the market. After all, there are no poop or pee stains that a heavy-duty cycle in one of today’s high tech washing machines can’t get rid of!

5. DON’T…Splurge Impulsively on Classic Children’s Picture Books
DO…Save by Exploring First at Your Local Libraries!
Save by exploring the wide selection on local library shelves before settling on a choice few that you really like and want to own. Aside from public libraries, there are also some good local community-run private libraries for children like the Playcentre Library in Petaling Jaya and the Children’s Library in Puchong that even run playgroups for a small fee.

6. DON’T…Save Unnecessarily on Big-Ticket Items
DO…Spend Smartly on Quality for Important Things!
Sometimes you can save in the longer run by spending smart. You may be better off investing in better quality big-ticket important items. A higher quality stroller or car seat may cost more at the start but will last longer. They’ll still be going strong after five or six years. Less expensive ones may fall apart quickly and need to be replaced often, costing you more money in the long run.
Another important thing you shouldn't scrimp on is maternal health, milk and nutrition. A glass of nutritious Nestlé MOM a day will provide you with all the key nutrients and two types of the probiotic cultures (L. rhamnosus CGMCC 1.3724 and B. lactis CNCM I-3446), and strength to face all the challenges of new parenthood that come your way. Try it today!