Children can show early signs of extreme intelligence. You may not even be aware of these things in your child until later discovery or your advised by your pediatrician. Here are some suggestions to develop child intelligence.

1. Play hide and seek together
Invite them to play hide and seek together. It doesn’t matter who hides and who seeks, this is to train their mind to find safe places and seek things.
2. Play detectives at home
To teach them how to solve problems, Papa needs to be creative and create a problem while Mama and little one join forces to solve it.

3. Build using blocks!
This activity is good for the development of your little one’s mind. When they play with objects of various sizes and shapes, we encourage them to learn to solve problems.
4. Play with imagination
Your little one can think and learn in their own way with this activity. At the same time, they will begin to know themselves and explore the world around them in various situations.

5. Customize puzzles!
Prepare appropriate puzzles according to the age of your little ones and let them solve it themselves. Do not forget to sit next to them and encourage them to keep going. They would be more focused that way!
6. Let’s play with colours!
Provide safe and child-friendly appliances. Start with a small space for your little ones to learn to express themselves, as they learn to recognize colors, you can also nurture their creative side.

7. Let’s have fun with Origami!
Making Origami with colourful paper can be fun and rewarding! Besides nurturing creativity it also sharpens your little ones visualization and motor skills.
8. Let’s create a maze!
Papa and Mama can set up a maze with safe home appliances like pillows, tape and etc. Let your little ones lead the way to develop their problem solving skills.

9. Let’s Play Jigsaw Puzzles!
Little ones likes to play with jigsaw puzzles. This is the time for papa mama to help your little ones build motor skills, memory and hand, eye coordination.
10. Learn to sow!
Start with simple sewing techniques. Teach your little ones about the use of thread, scissors, needles and etc. Let your little ones observe mum and dad’s example and remind them to be careful when handling these items.

11. Get to know your musical instruments!
Rather than letting your child knock things around, maybe mum and dad could gift their little ones a musical instrument such as a recorder, small drum set or even a toy piano! So that your little ones can familiarize with different types of musical instruments. Mum and dad can help guide their little ones to play or perhaps follow a video tutorial on Youtube.
12. Know Your Numbers and Alphabets!
Get a large manila card for your little ones to draw on, it should be a good base for mum and dad to teach numbers and alphabets with interesting colours and pictures!

13. DIY Savings Box!
A little savings today can go a long way in the future. Teach your child to save money as early as possible and teach them where they should store it. Start by making your own savings bo by using a tin or closed container and decorate it to make it look more attractive!
14. Let’s play hide & seek!
An exciting activity your little ones will surely enjoy! Teach your little ones to be aware of their surroundings and spaces that are not safe to hide such as the closet and kitchen.

15. Let’s DIY Calendars!
Mums and dads it’s time we teach your children to read a calendar! We can start with asking your little ones to arrange the dates of the month in a blank calendar sheet then start highlighting special days such as birthdays of your family members so that your little ones will learn to appreciate it!
16. Let’s Name a few National Flags!
It’s time for your little ones to learn how to identify national flags of the world! Buy flag cards or find pictures on the internet and use them as learning material!

17. Let’s Play Tic Tac Toe!
Hey moms and dads! Let’s do this fun and easy activity with your little ones! Start with a clear sheet of paper and pen, then teach your little ones how tic tac toe works! It will be a great game to develop their strategic skill sets.
18. Learn to read the clock!
When your little ones recognises numbers then it should be easy for them to learn how to read a clock! Moms and dads should gift their little ones with a wrist watch and teach them how to read it and appreciate time. Your little ones will learn to be more discipline and aware of time.