Optimal Growth – Brain and Physical Growth
Even at an early age, you can support your child’s growth, both in mental and physical development.
Even at an early age, you can support your child’s growth, both in mental and physical development. For example, you can encourage your child to participate in activities such as exercise and reading which will support your child’s brain and physical growth.
Physical Development
A growing child’s body is still developing to its full potential. At this stage it is important for your child to set a foundation for a strong body. You will need to introduce a healthy selection of food, while encouraging healthy habits, such as regular exercise.
Like adults, children need regular exercise to build a strong body. Most children need at least an hour of exercise every day, which helps them:
• Reduce stress
• Feel better about themselves
• Maintain a healthy weight
• Build and keep healthy bones, muscles and joints
• Sleep better at night
Take your children out for walks at the park, or for a swim in the pool to get them active. You can also take the time to teach them about the outdoors, and teach them skills such as swimming.
Mental Development
At this age, your child is curious and learning about the world. From the simple comforts of home, your child is now running around parks, playgrounds and more. It is a time of learning and exploring, and you should encourage your child.
Here are some of the things you can do to encourage your child’s development:
• Read to your child, and nurture your child’s interest in books
• Encourage your child to play with others, as it may teach the value of sharing
• Speak to your child in full sentences as how you would with others, to help your child develop good language skills.
• Teach your child simple rhymes and songs to encourage speaking and recognition of different words.
• Praise your
Importance of Good Nutrition
Good food is part of a healthy growth in your child. After all, your child requires key nutrients to support optimum growth and development. There are key nutrients that you can provide your child to encourage optimum development. Try encouraging your child to have a healthy and well balanced diet which includes nutrients such as:
1. DHA -Found in abundance in the brain
2. Vitamin B12 - Required for the formation of red blood cells
3. Iron - A component of haemoglobin in the red blood cells which distribute oxygen around the body. A variety of foods in the diet is also important to help your child’s optimum growth.
4. Protein - Important for growth and development
5. Calcium - Supports the development of strong bones and teeth
6. Vitamin D - Helps the body to utilise the calcium and phosphorus
To supplement your child’s diet with complete nutrition, look for fortified milk that contains a wide variety of nutrients. The right nutrients will support your child’s brain and physical growth.