Raising Healthy Active Kids
One can argue that raising healthy active kids is simple especially in a country like Malaysia.
One can argue that raising healthy active kids is simple especially in a country like Malaysia. Blessed with good weather and a varied choice of parks from neighbourhood parks to recreational parks, it is easy for our kids to spend their day playing outdoors.
Unfortunately, it’s no longer the norm especially for city and town kids. The trend today is skewing towards a family day at the mall or at home with gadgets. The same goes for the food we prepare for our children. With such a diverse range of food products at the supermarket or hypermarket, it can be difficult to make the right food choices for the children. Here are some tips on raising healthy active kids.
Get outdoors
Raising kids that are healthy and active takes simple, conscious effort. Leading by example is a great way to start. Set aside 30 minutes a day at the park with your child. Encourage your child to perform simple exercises like skipping, playing catch, playing ball, or even walking. The activities you do outdoor are really up to your imagination. If you don’t have a park nearby, skipping or running-on-the-spot with music just outside your porch is another fun way to get your child to exercise. Plus it’s a great way to spend time with your child.
Getting the kids moving isn’t just good for your child; it is good for you too. Especially if you are in need of some exercise yourself. Experts have long recommended 30 minutes of moderate exercise for health. Use this opportunity to get moving again.
Choose easy to do activity. Walking is one way to go. Race your child in who can walk the fastest. Or try a circuit of easy exercises to guide your child; try jumping jacks, high knees marching and some simple stretches. Of course, if you or your child have a medical condition, it’s always good to check with your doctor first.
Being physically active not just strengthens your heart and lungs but your muscles and bones too.
With today’s technology keeping children occupied indoors on their gadgets, it’s important you find ways to motivate children to have fun spending time outdoors.
Eating right
Eating right is fundamental in raising healthy kids. After all, a good and healthy body is built on a variety of nutrients, all provided by a balance of good food. The myriad of processed food at our marketplace today makes choosing the right food to feed our kids even more essential.
Positive family time is also built when you get the kids to involve with planning the type of food they enjoy to snack and bring to school. It can still be their favourite chicken nuggets, but homemade instead of store bought. Getting the kids involved in making their own chicken nuggets will also slowly teach them to understand their food choices better. When kids realize the importance of eating right, they begin to eat healthy.
Making meals at home can be fun. It doesn’t take a lot of time, just a little more planning.
Having good nutrition doesn’t mean spending more. It simply means swapping healthier choices for less healthy ones.
One of the smart ways you can provide an abundance of nutrients is through fortified milk. The right milk can provide nutrients such as calcium and protein. Your child can try LACTOGROW PROBIO 3, a formulated milk powder developed for children aged 1 to 3 years old. It contains more calcium, 13 vitamins and minerals, and DHA to help support your child’s optimum growth!
For many families - time, cost and commitment is always the excuse. These excuses may deprive your kids from being healthy and active. But whatever the excuse may be, making a conscious effort and commitment is important to making a positive change to raising healthy, active and happy kids.