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What to consider when choosing a nursery
Wondering how to pick a nursery to look after your child? We have put together a list of some things to consider when choosing a nursery, from childcare costs to location.
2 mins to read
How to Get Ready for Giving Birth
After months of ups and downs, of pleasant surprises and happy moments, you’re nearing the end of your third trimester.
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What is an Allergic March?
An allergic march isn’t when your child gets the seasonal allergies in March. In fact, it isn’t related to a month at all.
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Feeding Your Growing Child
After the first year, your child will seem to grow at a slower rate, and eat less often.
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9-Week pregnant: Development and diet
Two hearts beat as one, as the song says. In actual fact, your child’s heart is beating just fine on its own. Read more about this week.
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Healthy Digestion: Avoiding Diarrhoea
While diarrhoea may be a poopy subject to talk about, it’s important for parents to have information on it.
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5 ways to help your toddler get a good night’s sleep
Dreaming that your little one will sleep through the night? Find out why sleep is crucial for your toddler’s health and how you can help her get the amount she needs.
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Why is screen time bad for children?
Did you know? Even at a very young age, screen time can have an impact on activity levels and sleep.
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Pregnancy Symptoms Week by Week: Week 13 – 25
The second trimester is often felt as the best trimester simply because most of the early unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy are beginning to go away.
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4 Steps to Check If Your Child Is Obese
Did you know that you there is a way to check if your child is obese or not? It is through the Body Mass Index or BMI and it only takes 4 steps to calculate it:
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37-Week pregnant: Development and diet
Your little one tends to keep his head down, arms crossed, and legs folded up on his chest as there’s not much room to move around. He’ll be very glad to get out and stretch!
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Pregnancy Exercises to Help You Keep Fit
Pregnancy doesn’t mean you have to be stuck to the bed or the couch.
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Pregnancy concerns and diet solutions
Pregnancy is exciting, exhilarating and totally different for every woman.
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C-sections: What you need to consider
How you bring your junior into the world is a very personal decision, with different factors at play. Here are a few things to consider about an elective caesarean, also known as a C-section.
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Good Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy
Discover pregnancy tips and advice on proper nutrition throughout the trimesters.
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Epigenetics: Making the Most of Your Genes
Did you know that the story of your health doesn’t just start with your personal health? It goes as far back as your grandparents.
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Allergies — what you need to know
Did you know? Milk protein is one of the most common allergens affecting children during their early childhood life.
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Your hospital bag checklist
Not sure what to pack in your hospital bag? We have put together a simple hospital bag checklist with all the essentials. Forget packing light, it’s about packing right.
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6 Dos and Don'ts On Money Saving For Parents-to-be
As new parents, it’s only natural that you’ll want to do everything perfectly.
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The Difference between Bacteria and Viruses
There are countless microorganisms living and moving around us every day.
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Pregnancy Symptoms Week By Week: Week 26 - 40
You’re almost there! This is the part where you’re really getting in the mood for motherhood.
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How to cope with pregnancy pains and discomfort
As your body changes, pregnancy pains and discomfort can occur, especially in your back, legs and feet. The good news is, there are ways to ease your pregnancy aches and pains.
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17-Week pregnant: Development and Diet
Your little one now weighs more than 200g and is looking more and more like a “real” person every day. Read more about this week.
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Trying to Conceive: Tips on How to Become Pregnant
Planning for a child can be seemingly difficult for some couples, yet easier for some.
3 mins to read