Growing Up with a Healthy Eq (Emotional Intelligence)
As a parent, you always want your child to have the best. Be it being in the best of health, or in development, we strive to raise children to their fullest potential.
As a parent, you always want your child to have the best. Be it being in the best of health, or in development, we strive to raise children to their fullest potential. But while it’s easy to focus on pushing your child forward to excel, you may be forgetting another side of your child’s growth and health; emotional intelligence.
A happy child will always grow better than one who is constantly on the verge of crying, sulking or throwing tantrums. That’s where your role as a parent is important. The ability to handle and manage emotions is known as the emotional intelligence quotient, or EQ. At the core of a high EQ is having emotional self-knowledge and self-acceptance, sensitivity to the cues of others as well as empathy. A high EQ will support the foundation of healthy growth.
Your child’s EQ begins with a good relationship with you. Your child needs to develop feelings of trust and security with you, and be able to open up to you. One way you can do this is to be there when your child needs you, such as when your child is having a bad day, or throwing a tantrum. When you have a strong relationship with your child, it is important to teach your child about any strong emotions or feelings. Your child should understand that everyone has emotions, but it’s important to manage them. Empathise with your child. Empathy will teach your child that emotions are a part of life, and shouldn’t be ignored or repressed. Brushing any strong feelings aside could have negative effects on your child.
And of course, in teaching your child to have self-acceptance, you as a parent will have to accept your child and his or her temperament. Everyone is different. Some children are shy, some are active, and some are a little more curious about the world. Forcing your child to act in certain ways will certainly backfire. On the other hand, you wouldn’t want your child’s emotions to go out of hand. Help your child learn to problem solve, and handle anger constructively. When you as a parent are calm, you will be setting a great example for your child to follow. This will help improve your child’s emotional intelligence.
Finally, keep the optimism high at home. Your child needs you for support. You will be a leading influence in your child’s life, and you are the example to follow. That being said, you sometimes need a way to de-stress as well. Take up a hobby and go have fun. Raising a child is a learning journey and a once-in-a-lifetime experience.