A cereal snack that is high in iron, a source of zinc, calcium, and vitamin B1. Made to be just the right size for your little one's hands, CERELAC Puffs is a specially - designed child get used to independent eating! Learning to feed themselves requires children to develop sophisticated gross, oral and fine motor skills; CERELAC Puffs supports your little one in acquiring these skills while encouraging new food experiences! Light, puffy and delicious, CERELAC Puffs easily melt in the mouth and are easy to chew; with the appetising taste of banana and strawberry, they're the cereal snack.
Loved by Little Ones, Chosen by Mums.
Product highlights
Introducing the all new CERELAC Puffs Banana & Strawberry - a finger food that is developmentally and nutritionally appropriate for your Little Ones
Features & benefits
Dessolves Easily
Safe Texture
Baked Not Fried
High in Iron, Calcium and Vitamin B1
Easy to Pick Up
Helpful tools
Customer reviews
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