25-Week pregnant: Development and diet
25-Week pregnant: Development and diet
Two more weeks left of the second trimester. You are gearing up for the home stretch. Read more about how to help feed it.
Have you been sleeping well? Some mothers-to-be are troubled by bad dreams around this time during their pregnancies. Unfortunately, this is quite natural, because worries or problems accompany us into our sleep. Just remember this - it is a fairy tale to believe that a dream is a premonition.
By now you may sometimes wonder if your little unborn darling is taking salsa lessons in your womb. With her countless inter-belly antics and at times constant movement from one side of her little shelter to the other, she inevitably touches or hits the uterine wall. She touches and pushes with her hands and feet, her head or even her back. She is getting restless at times. Let her know you’re there by stroking your belly.
Listen to your heart. And your cravings. Some women report not giving in to their food cravings because they think that the foetus might get upset if they eat a curry. Not so! The foetus doesn’t receive that curry as a direct serving. He receives only the aromatic experience through your amniotic fluid. So go ahead, use the herbs and spices you enjoy and know that you can be providing some early flavour learnings that your child may enjoy in months to come when he begins to eat some solid foods.
Ankles been swelling? Here are some quick tips for relieving the problem. Two solutions, each the exact opposite of the other. Either sit back and put your feet up. Or get out and walk! Elevating your feet helps relieve the pressure on your legs and ankles. And walking allows your calves to activate blood circulation and carry fluid to other parts of your body. If, however, you are concerned about swelling, or notice swelling in your face and/or your hands, see your doctor immediately. Some of these symptoms may indicate pre-eclampsia, a kind of high blood pressure common in pregnancy.
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