26-Week pregnant: Development and diet
26-Week pregnant: Development and diet
A little ta-da moment for the final week of your second trimester – your darling-in-the-womb will open her eyes for the first time around now! Read more about this week.
Author(s): Danial Ahmad
Ahh, night time. You’re finally about to go to sleep. But not the child whom may seem to want to move more in the evening. As your bump gets larger and larger, it gets more difficult to find a pleasant position to sleep in. You probably cannot sleep on your front any more. The most convenient position to lie in for the next few weeks may be on your side. Put a cushion between your knees to make it a bit more comfortable, and try to relax, and sleep.
Your child’s head now measures approximately the size of a small orange, and she weighs around 1000 g. Her body is getting more chubby thanks to fat accumulating gradually under her skin to give her some reserves at birth. Her hair and nails are well on their way and, under her gums, her future ivory teeth are almost covered with enamel. What’s more, she is beginning to really react to loud sounds.
If you suffer from reflux and heartburn at night, try elevating your head a bit by adding a pillow. Try to have your evening meal be a light one, too. Pay attention to fats, they can slow down digestion and accentuate your digestive problems, which leads to disturbed sleep. If too light of an evening meal gives you night cravings, consider adding a snack an hour before bedtime. Evening snack in bed, anyone? Don’t hesitate to take it to bed on a tray if you are really pooped at night.
As much as you notice your pregnancy bump feeling tighter of late, it is also getting a bit tight for your little one inside your belly. Your child’s happy somersaults in a big bath of amniotic fluid will soon be over. If, however, you are concerned about reduced movements of your child, see your doctor immediately to confirm everything is okay.
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