19-Week pregnant: Development and Diet
Your little lodger weighs between 300 and 400 grams – weigh a grapefruit in your hand and that’s about how heavy your child is. Read more about this week.
Though your body is doing its job almost on autopilot, there are still a few things that need to be taken care of externally. If you haven’t already done so, then discuss with your gynaecologist at your next check-up on how and where you want to give birth. If you want to have your child in a hospital, they can recommend one for you. Hospitals usually offer information events for parents-to-be, so that you can get an impression of the place. This can help to make the decision easier!
Since there’s a whole lot of growing going on, your child can be very active too. However, this doesn’t necessarily result in you waking up from your sleep. Try to gently caress your belly and talk to your little one. It may help your child to calm down and both of you can get back to sleep. As the child is not very big, there is plenty of space to move the limbs and give out kicks. Remember to pat the bump to show your little darling that you are there!
Time for a weight gain check: Even if extra calories are from « healthy foods », they too can result in extra weight gain. Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can also lead to a child that is too large at birth. Contrary to some beliefs, an extra-large child at birth is not healthier than a child born at a normal and healthy weight. In addition, a high birth weight can indicate a child will have a greater chance of becoming too heavy during his toddler and childhood years. As well as leading to other problems such as diabetes, childhood obesity often leads to adult obesity. Discuss with your healthcare provider how your weight gain is stacking up compared to what is recommended for you.
Hooray! You are at the midway point of your pregnancy. This is a great time to pat yourself on the back! You have achieved something tremendous after all. Of course, like all mums-to-be, you have a lot of unanswered questions – like, for example, what happens from this point on. That is why it is worth going to an antenatal class. Knowing what is going on takes away a lot of uncertainty. Talking to other mothers- and parents-to-be is also particularly helpful. An antenatal class is also a good time to learn more about breastfeeding. By thinking ahead during your pregnancy, you’ll build your confidence to breastfeed when your little angel arrives.