27-Week Pregnant: Development and Diet

27-Week Pregnant: Development and Diet

27-Week Pregnant: Development and Diet

Jan 7, 2021
3 mins

Your little sweetheart still has some growing to do but as of today, he’s over 30 cm long, big enough lying down to fit on your forearm between your hand and your elbow. As it has been 29 weeks since you have had a period, welcome to the third trimester of pregnancy. Read more about this week.

Author(s): Danial Ahmad


It has been 29 weeks since you’ve had a period – most women enjoy the pause! 29 weeks of amenorrhea translates to the 27th week of a pregnancy. Have you been trying to picture how big your little one is so far? Well, she’s around 34 cm from the top of head to the ends of her toes. Imagine that her head is around the size of a small-medium sized orange. We’re willing to bet she is just lovely!

Your child still needs to grow. His respiratory system has everything it needs to allow it to breathe, but it is still too immature to actually do so without a lot of help. His lungs are divided over 17 levels, forming the bronchial tree, but air exchange would be very difficult if your child were to be born now. However, at this point there is usually enough surfactant (a substance that lines the inside of the aveolar surface, facilitating the opening of the cells and preventing sagging) and enough blood vessels to permit gas exchange such that children born prematurely at this age may survive with intensive care. But it’s best to let the little one grow a little more.


One of the best ways to meet your nutrition and calorie needs is by eating a variety of foods from the food groups. This includes servings from the meat (or other proteins), dairy, fruit, vegetables, and grain groups. Although your healthcare provider may have prescribed a supplement of certain vitamins or minerals, it is still important to consider the fibre and energy that food brings to your diet. Think back over the last few days and ask yourself if you have missed eating foods from a food group. If so, it’s time to put foods from that food group on your shopping list and keep them at the front of the refrigerator or pantry. Try to eat from each food group, each day.


Even if an experienced mum, it can be helpful to take classes that prepare you for childbirth. Researchers are constantly discovering new information that can help you during your pregnancy. In addition, delivery methods change frequently. Understand the changes occurring in your body during labour and delivery, and learn some good relaxation techniques for limiting anxiety when the time comes. Other good reasons to enrol in a childbirth preparation course? You may be giving birth in a new place this time around if your last child was delivered some years ago.



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