Planning a diaper party checklist
Planning a diaper party checklist
A new arrival is definitely an excuse for a party. Whether friends or family are planning a diaper party for you, or you’re doing it yourself, here are some diaper party ideas to get you started. You can always get your bestie to do lots of these.
- Think about where to have a diaper party. A cozy get-together at home? Or hiring a hall or restaurant?
- Maybe your best friends could help with the arrangement. You have lots of other things to think about.
- What’s your budget? You’ll need to save some money for when your little one gets here.
- Consider who you’re inviting. A traditional all-female group? Or a general mixture of friends and family?
- Try to pick a day that’s not too close to your due date. You’ll need to have your feet up nearer the time.
- Why not create an online gift registry? In case people ask what you would have like for your bundle of joy.
- Think of a theme: outrageous or sophisticated themes are fun.
- Consider whether the sex of your child is relevant to the theme.
- Consider a spa day if games and cake aren’t your thing.
- Send out your invitations with date, time, and address, and a clear RSVP deadline. If there’s a theme or a wish list, include these too.
- Confirm the guest numbers with your venue.
- Balloons, decorations, paper plates, plastic knives and forks. Buy what you need to suit your theme.
- Buy a cake or cupcakes.
- Buy diaper party favours and game prizes.
- Consider getting a photographer or ask someone to take lots of photos.
- Choose a fun mix of child-themed party games.
- Set up decorations in good time—you’ll definitely need someone else’s help for this.
- Choose an area for gifts to be placed.
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