C-section recovery: Things to think about
C-section recovery: Things to think about
As with any surgery, C-section recovery takes time and self-care. Here are some things to have in mind to help you heal, from C-section recovery time to cleaning C-section incisions.
- Ask family and friends to help for at least the first couple of weeks of your recovery. Read our tips on how to handle visitors after giving birth.
- If you know you’re having a C-section, batch cook and freeze some meals before you go into hospital. Soups are a good option as they usually contain a portion of vegetables.
- Stock up your fridge and food cupboards before you return from hospital. Ask family or friends to help, or place an online grocery order for when you get home. You’ll need someone there to unpack it though.
- You’ll need to gently clean your C-section incision daily but your midwife or healthcare provider (HCP) will advise you on this.
- If your wound is sore, speak to your midwife or HCP. They will check the wound and may recommend ibuprofen or paracetamol.
- Ask your HCP if it is best to cover the C-section scar or leave it to air.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing that won’t irritate your wound, and underwear that goes higher than your wound (rather than sits on it).
- Put yours and junior’s everyday essentials (food, clothes, toiletries, crockery) within easy reach so you won’t need to stretch up or bend low.
- Eat plenty of fruit and veg, and drink lots of water to help reduce constipation.
- You won’t be able to drive for up to six weeks so if you need to get around ask friends and family for lifts. When you’re able to drive again, speak to your insurance company.
- Consider a V-shaped or breastfeeding pillow to make feeding your child more comfortable.
- Try not to do anything strenuous until your C-section six-week postnatal check-up.
- Avoid carrying anything heavier than your child.
- Try to stay active as this helps avoid constipation and speeds C-section recovery time.
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