How to deal with morning sickness at the start of pregnancy
How to deal with morning sickness at the start of pregnancy
Morning sickness can strike at any time of day or night. Especially at the start of pregnancy. Here’s a few things that could help make the first, delicate trimester a little easier to stomach.
Author(s): Danial Ahmad
- Keep topped up with plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
- Eat bland starchy foods little and often. Dry crackers usually go down well.
- Try eating cold meals if the smell of hot ones causes pregnancy nausea.
- Avoid spicy or rich foods.
- Steer clear of foods that smell unpalatable.
- Always eat carbs with meals.
- Have a small snack first thing in the morning to avoid an empty stomach.
- Drink ginger tea or eat anything gingery.
- Make a note of what you eat to see if you can learn which foods trigger nausea.
- Get plenty of fresh air.
- Try to get some rest.
- Experiment with acupressure — it works for some people.
- Speak to your healthcare provider (HCP) if your urine is extremely dark.
- Speak to your HCP if your symptoms are concerning you.
- For any other aches and pains, read our checklist on pregnancy pains and discomfort.
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