Pregnancy: The Start of Loving and Protecting
The moment you know another being is growing inside your body, your maternal instincts are awakened.
The moment you know another being is growing inside your body, your maternal instincts are awakened. That’s when your motherhood journey begins.
You want to love and protect your child. You want the best for yourself and your child right from day 1, so that he can have a good start in life, grow up and develop his potential to the fullest! And the first step to take is to have a nutritious diet. Here’s some pregnancy advice to get you started.
Eating right for you & your child
Your diet during pregnancy may influence on your child’s growth and development in the womb and on his future health after birth. What you need is a balanced and varied diet, with special emphasis on the following:
Energy |
Protein |
Essential Fatty Acid – DHA |
Folic Acid |
Iron |
Calcium |
Other Vitamins & Minerals |
Allergy (e.g. food allergy, eczema, allergic rhinitis, asthma)
• Increasing in Malaysia
• May continue from childhood into adulthood
• May diminish quality of life from the physical, emotional, social and financial dimensions
To help your child grow, develop and learn optimally, you need to support and help to strengthen his natural immune defences right from birth and throughout his early childhood years.
This is where good bacteria may help. Good bacteria, such as Bifidobacteria, are passed from a mother to her child during natural birth and through breast milk. Recent advances in research suggest that human breast milk does contain good bacteria and/or bacterial components, naturally originating from the mother’s gut. Therefore, it is important that the mother has an adequate intake of good bacteria in her diet during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Research also shows these good bacteria help the child by:
• Building a population of good bacteria in the child’s intestine, which is the largest immune organ.
• Training the child’s natural immune defence system to fight against infections and also reduce the risk of developing allergies later on.
• Promoting a good digestive system that helps improve the child’s good digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.
• Breastfeeding mothers need good nutrition
After birth, you still need to eat a nutritious diet. Your nutrient requirements remain high because your body needs to:
• Recover from childbirth and
• Produce sufficient good quality milk for your child
Nutrients that are required in higher amounts include:
Iron | Vitamin A | Calcium |
Protein | Vitamin B Complex | Zinc |
Essential Fatty Acids | Vitamin C | Selenium |
DHA | Iodine |
As good bacteria play an important role in your health and help to strengthen your child’s natural immune defences, it is good to add foods containing good bacteria like Bifidobacteria to your own diet during breastfeeding.
As a guide, eat a balanced and varied diet to ensure that your breast milk has the right amounts of nutrients for your child, besides protecting your own body’s stored nutrients from being depleted to produce breast milk.
Nestlé MOM – A delicious and convenient way to get all those important nutrients. Nestlé MOM is a specially designed & delicious formulated milk drink that is packed with important nutrients and BIFIDUS BL probiotics (Bifidobacterium lactis) for you and your child during pregnancy and lactation.
Nestlé MOM is the formulated milk drink for pregnant & lactating women with the highest content of DHA.
Nutrients/ 100g | Nestlé MOM | Brand X | Brand Y | Brand Z |
DHA (mg) | 125 | 66 | 67 | 70 |
Just add two glasses of Nestlé MOM to your daily diet to ensure both you and your child are equipped with the needed nutrients.
When do I start drinking Nestlé MOM?
As soon as you know that you are pregnant or when you start breastfeeding.
By continuing to drink 2 glasses of Nestlé MOM throughout your pregnancy and the whole breastfeeding period, you may provide your child with loving nutrition and protection right from day 1.
We wish you all the best in your motherhood journey. We hope that the pregnancy advice will help you as you grow with your child.