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Diet for Pregnancy

Diet for Pregnancy

Nov 6, 2015
3 mins

Pregnancy can be a wonderful period of discovery and learning for parents, especially if it’s the first child. During this adventure of motherhood, there are always questions about the right nutrition in a mother’s diet.

Pregnancy can be a wonderful period of discovery and learning for parents, especially if it’s the first child. During this adventure of motherhood, there are always questions about the right nutrition in a mother’s diet. After all, food for pregnancy is as important to a pregnant mother as it is to her unborn child.

As part of a healthy diet of food for pregnancy, you should be looking at your fruits and vegetables. Dark, leafy greens such as spinach can contain folate, as well as a host of other nutrients like vitamin A, C and K. On the other hand, bright, colourful fruits and vegetables will ensure that you and your child have a variety of vitamins and minerals. They’ll help support your gastrointestinal system during pregnancy. Having a wider palate of food may also influence your child’s preferences at the dining table later on, as your child may “taste” your food during the later stages of pregnancy.

You will also need sufficient protein during your child’s growth in the womb. Some wonderful sources of protein include fish, eggs, milk, salmon, or lean meat. Ikan kembung, or mackerel is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Unprocessed lean meats will also provide you with the protein you need during pregnancy. In addition to meat and fish, you should also have chicken eggs, which have a whole lot of vitamins and minerals in addition to the protein it provides.

As for what not to eat during pregnancy, a good tip would be to avoid uncooked meat and shellfish.  Any meat that hasn’t been fully cooked may contain bacteria that can make you sick during pregnancy. There are certain fish that contain high amounts of mercury, such as shark or marlin; avoid eating them if possible. For beverages, limit your caffeine and alcohol intake for a safe and healthy pregnancy.

If you’d like to support your usual diet of food for pregnancy with nutrient-rich formulated milk, you can try Nestlé MOM. 2 servings/ glasses per day provides you with 87.6mg of DHA per day. DHA is found abundantly in the brain. Nestlé MOM is also packed with 20 vitamins and minerals as well as BIFIDUS BL, good and friendly bacteria for you and your child during pregnancy and lactation. Add 2 glasses of Nestlé MOM to supplement the nutrition needed during your pregnancy.

All in all, a balanced diet plays an important role during your pregnancy. Consult your doctor when in doubt. The journey of motherhood is one to enjoy, and we wish you all the best in your continuing adventure!

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