28-Week pregnant: Development and diet
28-Week pregnant: Development and diet
Your little one is around 35 cm long from crown to toe and already weights about 1.3 kilos, a third of her birth weight. Her feet measure nearly 6 cm – yes, they are tiny! Read more about this week.
Author(s): Danial Ahmad
Do you sometimes feel a tightening in your back or a hardening of the belly? That may be Braxton Hicks contractions. Not to worry, it just means your uterus is practising a little for the birth. If the contractions don’t stop or continue to get stronger then by all means, consult your doctor (if only to reassure yourself).
Your little sweetheart is getting more and more ready to breathe outside air. Her skin begins to appear less wrinkled because fat is starting to deposit underneath it. For now, she still takes in amniotic fluid that completely fills her lungs and alveoli, which will subside quickly at birth.
You prepare your child to taste earthly food with every meal you eat. Aromatic molecules in your food can be carried to the foetus via the amniotic fluid. After her birth, she may remember these tastes – and if you keep eating a diverse diet after her birth and breastfeed, they will flavour your milk.
Many women worry that their children will be born earlier than expected, though most children make it right through to term. The most important thing for you is not to stress about it.
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